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So as to adjust in an ever-evolving society, overflowing with kindheartedness and interest, an individual must have the option to adjust to ...

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Essay on Sports Essay Example

Essay on Sports Essay Example Essay on Sports Essay Essay on Sports Essay Sports hold only a physical meaning for many people. Many believe that sports are just meant for physical fitness and fun as well. However, sports have a deeper meaning for me than being a mere physical exercise. I believe that sports are not just about the games, medals won, and the physical activity. Rather, they are more about bringing people together from different places in the world to enjoy a good time away from the daily activities. It binds people together through recreation and creates a better environment. Additionally, through the competitions and rules of a game, people learn to gauge their skills by comparing them with other people, finding out their weaknesses and strengths as well as putting effort to become better. Thus, growth within a person can be achieved both physically and mentally. More so, sports require the use of knowledge and skills at the same time in order to win. Therefore, the mind and the body are engaged towards the same activity holistically. There fore, sports go a far way in the life of a man such as improving their physical and psychological well-being as well as the social aspect. I believe that sport is not only meant for physical activity and physical fitness. Sports are responsible for uniting people from different parts of the world. For instance, during a game between two teams, people are drawn from different places to come and watch, either as fans of their teams or just usual spectators. My sport is wrestling, which draws many people from different places to watch. Whichever way, they are brought together by the sport, which fosters interaction between people that could have probably never met each other. Through wrestling, I have met several people, some who were spectators and others who were my rival. I have made friends with many of them and they play a big part in my both sport and future. This creates a better environment for everyone through its entertaining ability ensuring that all are happy. Despite there being a winner and a loser, people remain united and get closer. Additionally, through sports people, especially the players in a team, lea rn how to work together in order to win the game. Players in a team have to work together towards the same goal. One experience that I never forget is the number of friends I have made through sports, which is bigger than any other place. This makes sports a particularly special place for me to unite with friends. In another way, people at home and friends come together to enjoy watching a game together, which is yet another way of uniting people. Therefore, one of the biggest purposes of sports in my life is bringing people together. The other meaning of sports in my life comes from the competition between teams in games. Competition means displaying better skills under given rules that both teams follow. This helps one in understanding their abilities. It is only through competition that one can gauge themselves with others to understand their position. It is also the one way that people are able to understand their strengths and weaknesses. Through sports, one realizes what they need to do to improve their skills. This leads to personal growth since one keeps growing more and more through training every day as well as practicing tactics until they become skills. In wrestling, I used to practice my tactics daily in order to become better than my rivals were. This helped me to increase my tactics as well as gauge my skills against those of my rivals. This did not only improve me mentally, but also physically. It also increased my physical fitness, which science proves can keep one away from medical conditions in the future. To me, through sports one can improve their life from all aspects, both mentally and physically, leading to a better life. With the capability of building one’s physical and mental status, sports ensure having a peaceful life. Sports are the best way of ensuring a harmonious relationship between the body and mind. To engage in sports, full concentration and body while playing are required. Wrestling involves physical energy to win. This required me to concentrate on my body as well as the tactics of the rival in order to win. Being calm before a game was one way of ensuring a harmony between the body and the mind. Thus, under the rules of wrestling, the body has to be controlled by the mind to attain optimum performance. Thus, with the ability of engaging both the body and the mind, one can have peace of mind while playing and achieve a mind-body holism, which influences professional practice. This improves the life of a person in both mental and physical status. Other things such as studying will engage the mental aspect without much regard to the physical. Thus, this is not as fulfilling as spor ts. Sports again manage to ensure people recreate their feelings. Through sports, people are able to recreate their inner feelings and moods. The only time that I am able to forget about everything else in life is while I am engaged in a wrestling match. Even after the match, my spirit is uplifted and inner emotions lightened. Physical activities require full concentration of the mind and body. Thus, at this moment especially in a competitive game, one cannot think of anything else. The same way as players, spectators who come to watch a game forget about their lives for that moment in order to enjoy the game. Therefore, sports are one way of drawing a person away from his daily stresses in life to enjoy another inner self that is created when one forgets all their trouble. During sports, I never have time to think of anything else. Thus, with concentration in a game, everything else is lost for that moment, and our spirits are renewed. We come off a pitch, ring or court feeling better both mentally and physically. This allows one to face other iss ues in life with ease. Sports provide an inner drive on the pitch as well as away from the playing fields. The thirst for excellence and perfection in an art is exemplified when they push for a step ahead against an opposing team or rival. Many of the young athletes and sport champions who have built a successful career often lead inspirational lives after retirement. It is suffice to say that, just as any other ambition in life, a fulfilled sporting activity gives any person a boost forward, a yearning for better days. It builds up a momentum to be superior with every opportunity given, to rectify the previous mistakes made. As an athlete runs head on towards the finish line or wrestling hard until the last minute, so do people who engage actively in sports forge ahead to complete their purpose. Any risk taken on a sporting arena is a final decision made by the participant. After months and years of training and listening to advice from different places, it narrows down to the players themselves. A decision made by a wrestler, on which tactic to use, defense to use or decision to make while tackled is a result of weighing various options. It is a risk taken and when it pays off, the returns are worthwhile. This constant replay of taking risks after constant evaluation extends to choices made outside the court. It builds up a common sense of sorts and analysis of options. As the mind grows, so does an ability to make rational decisions. A coach who can handle a team effectively and push them forward can also manage a big family and accomplish their dreams. The same concept applies. Every player faces a challenge to go on when all the odds seem against him/her. A penalty shoot-out, a final lap and you are not in the lead, a three-point shot on the final buzzer and a last tackle in wrestling before the buzzer go off. The desire to quit is so alive, but so is the passion to win. A win-win attitude no matter what forces lies against us, regardless of the waves that threaten to capsize any ship. We do not go down without a fight, until the dying breath. In any case, when a loss happens, there is always a better day, another opportunity to display our relentless efforts. Sports are meant to build a person in all aspects of life, spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally. With such experience from wrestling, I have learnt that one can build their life with sports in a fulfilling way. It is through such experience that I chose a career in kinesiology so that I will inspire other people to embrace sports. I have lived a fulfilling life as an athlete and learnt that it can lead to an enjoyable life as well as interesting at the same time. Sports improve one’s well-being holistically to enjoy life. For one to enjoy life, all aspects of life have to be in harmony. This will make one to enjoy a fulfilling life. The main aspects in a human life are the body, mind and soul. Sports have an ability to improve the three of them since they are engaged at the same time during play. Thus, I believe that sports are the best way of improving a man’s life from all aspects due to their ability of achieving mind-body holism.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The 52 Art Scholarships You Need to Know About

The 52 Art Scholarships You Need to Know About SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips People are always saying that art doesn’t pay. Fortunately, they aren’t always right! Prospective art students will be happy to know that there is a multitude of art scholarships out there that will help pay for their educations. We have all the details on the best art scholarships below, so read on to see which scholarships are the best fit for you! Who Should Apply for These Art Scholarships? The following art scholarships are aimed at students who are creative and have spent time in high school developing their artistic talent. Art careers are not the easiest to pursue, so you’ll have to demonstrate a passion for your chosen art form in order to show that you have real potential. Art scholarships can cover many different disciplines, including performing arts, fine arts, design, and more. In this list, I have covered available scholarships for the following disciplines: Performing arts, such as drama, film, television, and broadcasting Dance Photography Fine arts, such as drawing, painting, and sculpture Video game design Music, including voice and instrumental Design, including graphic design, interior design, sound design, and industrial design Scholarships that cover more than one area of art will be listed in each relevant category. Though many art scholarships are specific to a particular college or university, the scholarships listed below can be used at many different schools. To earn the most money for college, you should apply to as many of these scholarships as possible and also inquire at your college about opportunities for scholarships for your particular program. Be aware that this is not an exhaustive list of art scholarships. If you don’t see something that looks like it could be a fit for the kind of art you do, make sure you do more research about scholarships in your field. There are probably a few out there! Also, keep in mind that most art scholarships are offered directly through universities. When you're considering applying to a school, be sure to ask about any art scholarships they might have that you'd be eligible for. Performing Arts Scholarships First, let's take a look at the best performing arts scholarships currently available. Aiko Susanna Tashiro Hiratsuka Memorial Scholarship This art scholarship is for active Student/Individual members of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL). Applicants must be studying performing arts. Deadline: March 2020 (for incoming college freshmen) and April 2020 (for all other students) Award Amount: Varies depending on scholarship Archibald Rutledge Scholarship Program South Carolina high school seniors may apply if they have attended a public high school in South Carolina for at least two years and plan to attend a college or university in South Carolina as well. There are five categories of scholarships: Creative writing: An original poem that is no longer than two double-spaced pages Dance: A three- to 10-minute original dance routine Music: A three- to 10-minute original composition Theatre: An original one-act play that is eight to 15 minutes long Visual arts: An original 2-D visual piece of art Applicants are judged on creativity, originality, and quality. Deadline: Early February 2020 Award Amount: $2,000 Bruce Marson Memorial Scholarship This performing arts scholarship is geared toward Fairfax County high school students (educated via either public school, private school, or home-schooling) who are seeking a degree in Technical Theatre Production. Deadline: Early May 2020 Award Amount: $2,000 Case Western Reserve University Theater Scholarships Case Western offers four full-tuition scholarships, as well as two $10,000 scholarships, for students who wish to major/minor in theater or pursue theater as an extracurricular. All students must complete an audition or present a portfolio of their work. Deadline: January 15, 2020 for application packet; February 1, 2020 for digital portfolio presentations and interviews; February 18, 2020 for in-person portfolio presentations and interviews Award Amount: Full tuition or $10,000 Charles Lucille King Family Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships The King Family Foundation offers several scholarships for students majoring in film and broadcasting. These scholarships come with the following award amounts: Up to $7,000 to college juniors and seniors majoring in film, television, and related fields $10,000 to a senior at NYU majoring in film or video $10,000 to a senior majoring in film or video at USC $10,000 to a graduate student studying film or video at UCLA $10,000 to a graduate student studying in the film or video MFA program at NYU Deadline: April 15, 2020 Congressional Black Caucus Spouses Performing Arts Scholarship To qualify, you must be a full-time undergraduate student or current high school senior, have a minimum 2.5 out of 4.0 GPA, and be pursuing a major and a career in the performing arts. This scholarship is intended for African-American students. Deadline: Late April Award Amount: Up to $3,000 Donna Reed Performing Arts Scholarship This scholarship is for performing arts students in Iowa. Applicants must be in 10th to 12th grade, submit a three- to five-minute video audition and a headshot, and provide a letter of recommendation from a drama educator. Deadline: Late May 2020 Award Amount: Up to $1,000 Educational Theatre Association Thespian Scholarships Each year, the Educational Theatre Association awards several scholarships to students in the performing arts. These scholarships are open to students ranging from high school sophomores all the way to college juniors! Note that some scholarships require attendance at the International Thespian Festival. Currently, there are 10 different scholarship opportunities available. Deadline: April or May 2019, depending on scholarship Award Amount: Varies depending on scholarship Florence Lemcke Memorial Scholarship in Fine Arts This fine arts scholarship, sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Washington, is for graduating high school seniors in Washington State who are also a child, grandchild, or great-grandchild of a veteran. Applicants must plan to pursue a degree in the fine arts, such as painting, drawing, photography, literature, architecture, sculpture, poetry, music, dance, or drama. Deadline: Early March 2020 Award Amount: $1,000 Georgia Thespian Scholarships Scholarships are awarded to 12 high school seniors who participate in Georgia Thespians. All auditioning students must have at least a 3.0 GPA. Award amounts are as follows: Gerald Ray Horne Scholarship: $2,500 Yatesy Harvey Theatre Educator Scholarship: $2,000 Frank Pruet Eric Ebell Vision and Innovation Scholarship for Leadership: $2,000 Pam Ware Leadership Scholarship: $2,000 Linda P. Wise Performance Scholarship: $2,000 Gene Imelda Bell Service Scholarship: $2,000 Dwight Gilstrap Technical Scholarship: $2,000 Achievement Scholarships (5): $2,000 Iowa Scholarship for the Arts This award is for high school seniors who are Iowa residents and excel in the arts. Students must be accepted to an Iowa college or university and plan to major in the fine arts. Award Amount: $1,500 Irene Ryan Acting Scholarship This scholarship is open to high school seniors up through current graduate students. There are 16 regional awards and two national awards available. Note that the awards are not necessarily limited to education in the theatre arts. Award Amount: Varies from $500 up to $5,000 John L. Dales Scholarship Fund Applicants must be active members of the Screen Actor’s Guild or children of members. Required materials include SAT/ACT scores and transcripts. Deadline: March 15, 2020 Award Amount: Varies Oklahoma Association of Broadcasters Scholarships OAB offers several scholarships to students enrolled in Oklahoma colleges or universities who are majoring in broadcasting. Students must be either juniors or seniors in college, have a minimum B average, and plan to work in broadcasting. Selection is based on students' extracurricular activities and awards, broadcast industry experience, financial need, and an essay. Deadline: February 2020 Award Amount: Six awards of $2,000 each Vivian Klemz Memorial Scholarship This scholarship is for current college students (sophomore and above) who are from Ventura County, CA, graduated from a Ventura County high school, and are currently pursuing an education in the arts (which includes performing, visual, fine, or language arts). Preference is given to female applicants. Deadline: Early February 2020 Award Amount: $1,500 VSA Playwright Discovery Award Applicants must be in grades 6 through 12 (ages 11-18 for non-US students). Students must write a 10-minute script (of any genre) that incorporates the theme of disability. Note that applicants must have a disability (or, if applying as an ensemble, at least one student must have a disability). Deadline: Mid-January 2020 Award Amount: Ranges from $3,000 to $20,000 Dance Scholarships In this section, we introduce the best dance scholarships currently available to students. Archibald Rutledge Scholarship Program South Carolina high school seniors may apply if they have attended a public high school in South Carolina for at least two years and plan to attend a college or university in South Carolina as well. There are five categories of scholarships: Creative writing: An original poem that is no longer than two double-spaced pages Dance: A three- to 10-minute original dance routine Music: A three- to 10-minute original composition Theatre: An original one-act play that is eight to 15 minutes long Visual arts: An original 2-D visual piece of art Applicants are judged on creativity, originality, and quality. Deadline: Early February 2020 Award Amount: $2,000 Caroline H. Newhouse Scholarship Fund This scholarship is for dancers looking to transition into new careers. The scholarship is open to those who have had a performing dance career for at least seven years (does not have to be consecutive or current), 100 weeks or more of paid dance employment in the US, and total gross earnings of $56,000 or more over the course of the seven years. Deadline: Multiple deadlines throughout the year Award Amount: $2,000 Florence Lemcke Memorial Scholarship in Fine Arts This fine arts scholarship, sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Washington, is for graduating high school seniors in Washington State who are also a child, grandchild, or great-grandchild of a veteran. Applicants must plan to pursue a degree in the fine arts, such as painting, drawing, photography, literature, architecture, sculpture, poetry, music, dance, or drama. Deadline: Early March 2020 Award Amount: $1,000 Iowa Scholarship for the Arts This award is for high school seniors who are Iowa residents and excel in the arts. Students must be accepted to an Iowa college or university and plan to major in the fine arts. Award Amount: $1,500 Jean Lee/Jeff Marvin Collegiate Scholarships Each year, Indiana SHAPE awards six scholarships to undergraduates who are attending an Indiana college or university and are majoring in health, physical education, recreation, dance, or exercise science. Applicants are evaluated on several factors, such as their GPAs, potential as professionals, financial need, and recommendation letters. Deadline: January 15, 2020 Award Amount: Six annual $1,000 awards Mary Benevento/CTAHPERD Scholarship This scholarship is for high school seniors from Connecticut who plan to major in dance or another physical/health education field at a Connecticut college or university. Students will be judged based on their academic ability, professional competence, and future career potential. Applicants must submit transcripts, a 300-word essay, and a letter of recommendation. Deadline: June 15, 2020 Award Amount: $1,000 NYCDA Foundation College Scholarship Program For these dance scholarships, applicants must have recently completed their junior or senior year of high school and plan pursue a performance-based major. In addition, they must attend an audition and submit a letter of recommendation from a dance instructor. Scholarships last for four years of college. Deadline: July 2020 Award Amount: Ranges from $5,000 to $25,000 Ruth Abernathy Presidential Scholarship Applicants must be members of SHAPE America, be majoring in dance or another physical/health education field, and be college juniors or seniors with GPAs of 3.5 or above. Selection is based on academics, leadership, community service, and character. Deadline: October 15 Award Amount: $1,250 for undergraduate students and $1,750 for graduate students Photography Scholarships Now, we'll take a look at the best photography scholarships. AIGA Worldstudio Scholarships These scholarships are for students studying fine art, graphic design, illustration, or photography. Students must have at least a 2.0 GPA, display financial need, and submit a portfolio of their work. Minority status is a significant factor in award decisions. Deadline: April 30, 2020 Award Amount: Up to $6,000 Bodie McDowell Scholarship This scholarship is available to students who are working (or plan to work in) in outdoor communications, which includes print, photography, film, art, and/or broadcasting. Eligible students must submit examples of work and letters of recommendation. Academic achievement is considered but isn't a major deciding factor. Deadline: March 1, 2020 Award Amount: Varies, but usually is between $1,000 and $5,000 Janie Moore Greene Scholarship Grant This award is available to high school seniors and current college students who are majoring in photography. Deadline: October 31, 2019 Award Amount: $1,000 Fine Arts and Writing Scholarships Here are some of the best scholarships for those majoring in writing or the fine arts. Against the Grain Artistic Scholarship This scholarship is open to Asian American high school seniors and college students who are majoring in performing, visual arts, journalism and/or mass communications. Eligible students must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Deadline: Early May 2020 Award Amount: $1,000 AIGA Worldstudio Scholarships These scholarships are for students studying fine art, graphic design, illustration, or photography. Students must have at least a 2.0 GPA, display financial need, and submit a portfolio of their work. Minority status is a significant factor in award decisions. Deadline: April 30, 2020 Award Amount: Up to $6,000 Archibald Rutledge Scholarship Program South Carolina high school seniors may apply if they have attended a public high school in South Carolina for at least two years and plan to attend a college or university in South Carolina as well. There are five categories of scholarships: Creative writing: An original poem that is no longer than two double-spaced pages Dance: A three- to 10-minute original dance routine Music: A three- to 10-minute original composition Theatre: An original one-act play that is eight to 15 minutes long Visual arts: An original 2-D visual piece of art Applicants are judged on creativity, originality, and quality. Deadline: Early February 2019 Award Amount: $2,000 Beall Scholarship Applicants for this scholarship must meet the following eligibility requirements: Female between the ages of 16 and 36 Member of the Presbyterian Church (USA) Resident of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, or Virginia Demonstrate financial need Applicants must be art majors. Deadline: June 30, 2020 Award Amount: Up to $3,000 Cynthia and Alan Baran Fine Arts and Music Scholarship Fund Applicants must be undergraduate or graduate students at an accredited college or university, be taking at least six credit hours, and be enrolled in a BFA, BA in Studio Art, MFA, or BA/MA in Music program. Students must be studying painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, photography, or printmaking. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required. Deadline: February/March 2020 Award Amount: Varies Esther Kanagawa Memorial Art Scholarship Applicants must be Hawaii residents and current high school seniors who plan to major in the fine arts at an accredited college or university. They must have a GPA of 2.7 or higher and demonstrate financial need and good character. Deadline: February 15, 2020 Award Amount: $1,000 Iowa Scholarship for the Arts This award is for high school seniors who are Iowa residents and excel in the arts. Students must be accepted to an Iowa college or university and plan to major in the fine arts. Award Amount: $1,500 Lois Livingston McMillen Fund This scholarship is for women from Connecticut who are studying the fine arts. Preference is given to those studying the visual arts of painting or design. Deadline: March 15, 2020 Award Amount: Varies Minnesota Academic Excellence Scholarship This scholarship is for Minnesota-based high school seniors who are planning to attend a college or university in Minnesota. Applicants need to show excellence in an academic subject, which can be fine arts or creative writing. Award Amount: Varies NPG’s Poster Scholarship Contest Negative Population Growth gives a prompt every year and asks students to submit poster that's been designed by hand (no computer-generated work allowed). The prompt for 2019 asked about the negative effects of population growth on the US environment. Deadlines: July 15 and October 15 Award Amount: $1,000 to $3,000 Ritchie M. Gregory Fund Applicants must be current Hawaii residents who are majoring in art and have a GPA of at least 2.7 at a two- or four-year university or college. Applicants are evaluated on academic achievement, character, and financial need. Deadline: February 15, 2020 Award Amount: Varies Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Visual Arts Fellowships Applicants must be residents of Virginia; they also must complete an online application and turn in a resume, a sample of their artwork, and an artistic statement (visual arts only). Deadline: November 1, 2019 Award Amount: Undergraduates (including high school seniors) win $4,000, and graduate students win $6,000 Vivian Klemz Memorial Scholarship This scholarship is for college students (sophomore and above) who are from Ventura County, CA, graduated from a Ventura County high school, and are currently pursuing an education in the arts, including performing, visual, fine, or language arts. Preference is given to female applicants. Deadline: Early February 2020 Award Amount: $1,500 Video Game Design Scholarships Here are great scholarships for budding video game designers. Randy Pausch Scholarship Fund This scholarship is for students of any major who intend to pursue a career in the development of interactive entertainment, such as animation, programming, and game design. Applicants must be at least sophomores in college and have a minimum 3.3 GPA. Deadline: Late May 2020 Award Amount: $2,500 WomenIn Scholarship Fund This award is aimed toward women who want to enter the interactive entertainment industry. This scholarship is open to women pursuing careers in game development or the business of interactive entertainment. Deadline: Late May 2020 Award Amount: $2,500 Music Scholarships Here are some of the best music scholarships you can apply for. AMCA Music Scholarships The Associated Male Choruses of America sponsors scholarships for students who will be majoring in vocal music studies or instrumental music (though preference is given to the former). Applicants must be sponsored by a member chorus of the AMCA and are required to submit an application, a transcript, and three letters of recommendation. Deadline: March 1 Award Amount: $1,000-$1,200 Archibald Rutledge Scholarship Program South Carolina high school seniors may apply if they have attended a public high school in South Carolina for at least two years and plan to attend a college or university in South Carolina as well. There are five categories of scholarships: Creative writing: An original poem that is no longer than two double-spaced pages Dance: A three- to 10-minute original dance routine Music: A three- to 10-minute original composition Theatre: An original one-act play that is eight to 15 minutes long Visual arts: An original 2-D visual piece of art Applicants are judged on creativity, originality, and quality. Deadline: Early February 2020 Award Amount: $2,000 Cynthia and Alan Baran Fine Arts and Music Scholarship Fund Applicants must be undergraduate or graduate students at an accredited college or university, be taking at least six credit hours, and be enrolled in a BFA, BA in Studio Art, MFA, or BA/MA in Music program. Students must be studying painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, photography, or printmaking. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required. Deadline: February/March 2020 Award Amount: Varies Doris Clarence Glick Classical Music Scholarship This scholarship, sponsored by the Hawaii Community Foundation, is for students from Hawaii who are currently attending a non-profit college in the US. Students must be majoring in music with an emphasis on classical music, demonstrate financial need, and have a 2.7 GPA or above. Deadline: February 15, 2020 Award Amount: Varies but is approximately $1,500 Florence Lemcke Memorial Scholarship in Fine Arts This fine arts scholarship, sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Washington, is for graduating high school seniors in Washington State who are also a child, grandchild, or great-grandchild of a veteran. Applicants must plan to pursue a degree in the fine arts, such as painting, drawing, photography, literature, architecture, sculpture, poetry, music, dance, or drama. Deadline: Early March 2020 Award Amount: $1,000 Glenn Miller Scholarship Competition Scholarships are awarded annually to both vocalists and instrumentalists and may be used for any education-related expenses. Only high school seniors and college freshmen are eligible. Applicants must submit an audition CV with two tracks of contest-level material in contrasting styles as well as an essay. Finalists will have to perform in person. Deadline: Early March 2020 Award Amount: $3,000 for first place, $2,000 for second place, and $1,000 for third place Iowa Scholarship for the Arts This award is for high school seniors who are Iowa residents and excel in the arts. Students must be accepted to an Iowa college or university and plan to major in the fine arts. Award Amount: $1,500 The John Lennon Scholarship Scholarships are awarded to student songwriters and composers who work in contemporary musical genres like alternative, pop, rock, indie, electronica, RB, and experimental. In order to qualify, students must be between the ages of 17 and 24, a current college student or alumnus of a U.S. university, and have not worked previously with a major record label. Applicants must submit an original song win order to apply. Deadline: Spring 2020 Award Amount: $20,000 Music Committee Scholarship This scholarship is available to high school students, as well as college freshmen and sophomores, from Kansas who are planning to attend (or are currently attending) a Kansas college or university and will major or minor in music. Deadline: February 15, 2020 Award Amount: $1,000 Women Band Directors International Scholarships Women Band Directors International offers five different scholarships for women who plan on becoming a band director. A student in any college grade level may apply, though applicants must be majoring in music (any instrumental focus is okay). The application includes two letters of recommendation and a statement about why you want to be a band director. Deadline: December 1 Award Amount: Varies Nellie Love Butcher Music Scholarship This scholarship is for students pursuing an education in piano or voice. Preference is given to students of the Duke Ellington School of Performing Arts in Washington, DC. Applicants must upload their audio material as an MP3. Deadline: February 15 Award Amount: One-time award of $5,000 What do you mean "this doesn't adhere to the seven principles of design?" How could it not? Design Scholarships Finally, here is a list of the best design scholarships. AIGA Worldstudio Scholarships These scholarships are for students studying fine art, graphic design, illustration, or photography. Students must have at least a 2.0 GPA, display financial need, and submit a portfolio of their work. Minority status is a significant factor in award decisions. Deadline: April 30, 2020 Award Amount: Up to $6,000 American Institute of Graphic Arts Honolulu Chapter Scholarship Fund Applicants must be residents of Hawaii, be attending college in the U.S., and majoring graphic design, visual communication, or commercial arts. They must also show financial need and have a 2.7 GPA or above. Deadline: February 15, 2020 Award Amount: Varies ASID Foundation Legacy Scholarships This scholarship is open to interior design students in their junior or senior year of college. To apply, students must submit a portfolio with 8-12 work examples, a personal statement, a letter of recommendation, a portfolio statement, a transcript, and a headshot. Scholarships are awarded based on the combination of applicants' academic accomplishment, creative achievement, and personal statement. Award Amount: $4,000 IFDA Leaders Commemorative Scholarship For this International Furnishings and Design Association scholarship, applicants must be majoring in interior design or a related design/furnishing program. Extra consideration is given to students who have volunteered and demonstrated leadership potential. The application requires a letter of recommendation, an essay, and two different examples of your design work. Deadline: March 31, 2019 Award Amount: $1,500 IFDA Student Membership Scholarship For this International Furnishings and Design Association scholarship, applicants must be majoring in interior design or a related design/furnishing program. Extra consideration is given to students who have volunteered and demonstrated leadership potential. The application requires a letter of recommendation from a current IFDA Professional Member, an essay, and two to three different examples of your design work. Deadline: March 31 Award Amount: $2,000 IIDA Student of the Year Award This scholarship was created to recognize a student who is a member of the International Interior Design Association and who has significantly impacted his or her school’s interior design program through leadership, insight, and involvement. Applicants must be IIDA student members in good standing and have a minimum 3.5 GPA. Deadline: February 2020 Award Amount: $5,000 IIDA Wilsonart Essay Competition This scholarship recognizes a student member of the International Interior Design Association who has taken part in a student-mentoring week and who plans to have a career in interior design. This competition encourages leadership and mentoring between students and professionals. Students must submit an essay of 500-750 words about their mentoring experience. Deadline: Spring 2020 Award Amount: $1,000 ISDA Design Foundation Industrial Design Undergraduate Scholarship The Industrial Designers Society of America gives this annual scholarship to a student in industrial design. Applicants must have completed their freshman year of college with a GPA average of 3.0 or above and must also be student members of IDSA. Applicants must submit visual examples of work showing various projects. Students can only win this award once. Deadline: Mid-May 2020 Award Amount: $1,500 Joel Polsky Academic Achievement Award This scholarship is sponsored by the American Society of Interior Designers and is for students who have made academic contributions to interior design and wellness through print or digital communication. Applicants are required to submit a book, blog, or video, and the project must address the needs of the public, designers, and students in regard to design theory, education, business practices, and other related topics. Deadline: April 2020 Award Amount: Up to $5,000 Kansas City IFMA Scholarship This scholarship is for students majoring in interior design, architecture, or a field related to facility management. They must be enrolled in a Kansas or Missouri college or university. Applicants must include a letter of professional intent, two letters of recommendation, evidence of extracurriculars, and proof of GPA. Selected students must complete an interview. Deadline: April 30, 2020 Award Amount: $500 or more Randy Pausch Scholarship Fund This scholarship is for students of any major who intend to pursue a career in the development of interactive entertainment, such as animation, programming, game design, and music composition. Applicants must be at least sophomores in college and have a minimum 3.3 GPA. Deadline: Late May 2020 Award Amount: $2,500 Ruth Clark Furniture Design Scholarship For this International Furnishings and Design Association scholarship, applicants must be majoring in interior design or a related design/furnishing program. Extra consideration is given to students who have volunteered and demonstrated leadership potential. The application requires a letter of recommendation, an essay, and five different examples of original furniture designs. Deadline: March 31 Award Amount: $3,000 TLMI Four Year College Degree Scholarship This scholarship is for college juniors and seniors who are majoring in graphic arts, graphic design, or a different major, and who are interested in a career in the tag and label industry. Applicants must have at least a 3.0 GPA, have three personal references, and submit an essay. Deadline: March 31, 2020 Award Amount: Up to six awards of $5,000 are given annually What's Next? If any of these scholarships look interesting to you, your first step will be to assemble a top-notch portfolio of your work. Check out our article on how to make an amazing art portfolio for college for tips on how to do just this! Looking for some tips on how to draw contour line art? Learn more with our contour line art guide. We also have a post designed to give you some drawing inspiration! Remember to start applying for scholarships early in order to maximize your college fund! Check out these 19 scholarships you can apply to during your senior year of high school. Need more money than what these scholarships are offering? Then take a look at our lists of amazing full-ride scholarships and colleges that offer full-ride scholarships. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Evidence of Wage Discrimination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Evidence of Wage Discrimination - Essay Example Classical economists, such as Lewis 1954, widened the aspect of wage to state that, wage determines the overall level of employment. 2. What will happen to the differential between wages of men and women of equal qualifications if multinational companies keep moving to South Korea and the process of "gender arbitrage" described in the article continues? Why? Sexism affects productivity adversely. Economists have established that gender arbitrage in fields of economic advancement reduces the pace of development. South Korea is very advanced technologically, however, its economy is not level with Japan’s economy. An insight into OECD policies reveals that Japan and South Korea possess equal factors of production and economic growth capacities. Even so, South Korea still lags behind. According to Solidarity (2012), records indicate that a woman in South Korea earns 27% less than what a man in the same position would earn. Women make up less than 1 % of the managerial positions. This a very small percentage compared with the fact that, women in the UK and America account for 10% of executive positions. Modern economics recognizes the potential women possess and, the implications of wage discrimination. South Korea’s economic stagnation according to IMF statistics is evidence enough that human capital goes to waste. Wage discrimination in South Korea is deeply rooted in the cultural beliefs and practices. In the Korean culture, the woman’s role focuses on running domestic chores. Globalization has led the belief that relegation of women is an outdated practice. It is important to note that, outdated cultural practices form the basis for lack of economic growth. Statistics indicate that only 60% of female graduates from South Korea between the ages of 24-65 years have employment. Therefore, the labor market in South Korea has a surplus. Firms hire men even though some women might have better qualifications than the men they hire.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Water Birth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Water Birth - Essay Example The first section will discuss the style of evidence which was used to fulfill the criteria of later sections, and how this is to be evaluated and used throughout the project. The second section covers the evidence, research and guidelines related to water births and how this is related to best practice. It covers several types of material to give a well-balanced overview of the topic from many angles, each of which is evaluated in depth with respect to water births. The third and final section explores the importance of communication in the relationship between mother and midwife, and how this professional responsibility informs the way that a midwife gives the mother informed consent and fair options about her own care and that of the baby. This information will be looked at in the context of the water birth and how this option fits into the broader practice of midwifery and neonatal care. The final section will comprise of a leaflet designed to present the information collected in the previous sections to assist women in making informed decisions about water births. Accessing and Evaluating Current Evidence Finding good quality academic evidence is important for informing decisions about nursing and for use in informing the public about the safety and applicability of certain medical procedures. These pieces of evidence are normally done by academics or research clinicians that have access to patients and records, and can be used to make deductions about and correlations between certain pieces of information (Steen & Roberts, 2011). These studies are usually conducted with several people and can involve several racial, age and health status groups to ensure that the information provided can be generalized to the population as a whole with respect to certain aspects of healthcare. There are many different types of evidence and research designs, many of which are suitable for discussing water births in the context of midwifery. Firstly, there are statistical s tudies that are quantitative (number-based), which are used to ascertain the proportion of women who have water births and the types of complication that they generally get (Steen & Roberts, 2011). This allows us to decide whether a practice has too many risks, particularly for the child. There are also psychological studies which are generally qualitative (response-based) which can be used to determine if there are any psychological benefits to the women who choose this method of birthing. Both qualitative and quantitative studies can be used to gauge the level of pain a woman has during various birthing techniques, which can also be useful (Wickham, 2009). Additionally, meta-analyses can be performed (Steen & Roberts, 2011). These look at a group of studies which are relevant to the topic and try to group the findings together to give more weight to the research than a single study would. This helps to improve the generalizability and can give an overview of what types of practice are generally relevant (Wickham, 2009). It is important to identify how research will be done when evaluating practice. In this project, two main databases will be accessed (PUBMED and Medline) to give a wide range of resources on the topic. To find the correct resources, I will be using search

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Womens Struggle for Equality Essay Example for Free

Womens Struggle for Equality Essay Both Mary Oliver and Lucille Clifton are feminist women who fight for gender equality. By reading their poems the fight for women to be considered equals to men is evident. Both poems â€Å"Singapore† and â€Å"wishes for sons† were written in 1990-1991. During this time period women were fighting for equal rights in the world. They wanted men to see them as their equal rather than lesser. In â€Å"Singapore† Oliver reveals how difficult a woman’s job can be. In â€Å"wishes for sons† Clifton shows her strong desire for men to experience the embarrassments and difficulties that women face every day. In the poem â€Å"Singapore† Oliver writes about a woman who walks into a public restroom and finds a lady knelt over a toilet cleaning it. â€Å"A woman knelt there, washing something in the white bowl† (Oliver, 1990, line 5). The lady is at first disgusted with what she sees, but then as the lady turns to face her she sees the beauty in her. She realizes that even though this lady has a very disgusting job she is still a human and deserves to be happy. Oliver is showing that despite life’s difficulties women can find the strength to be happy and live a great life. She wants the reader to know that women can have the most disgusting jobs and still be beautiful on the inside and outside â€Å"the light that can shine out of a life† (Oliver, 1990, line 35). In the poem â€Å"wishes for sons† Clifton writes about her strong desire for men to experience the difficulties and embarrassments that women face. Clifton expresses her anger about the way women are viewed as the lesser of the two genders. She wants men to experience what women have to face regularly. â€Å"I wish them cramps†¦I wish them a strange town†¦and the last tampon† (Clifton, 1991, lines 1-3). She wants men to experience these difficulties in an embarrassing manner. Clifton is writing about all the physical things that women have to face. She desperately wants men to see how difficult it is to be a woman. While it is impossible for a man to actually have to go through these things Clifton wants them to realize what women face and to treat them as equals. Mary Oliver’s poem â€Å"Singapore† alluded a lot to nature. â€Å"Rivers are pleasant, and of course trees†¦A waterfall, or if that’s not possible, a fountain rising and falling† (Oliver, 1990, line 10). The symbols of nature go hand in hand with women’s nature and beauty. Lucille Clifton’s poem â€Å"wishes for sons† was a more straightforward approach. She wrote about a woman’s menstrual cycle and how unpleasant it is. Both of these poems hit on the theme of gender equality. In both poems the authors write about a woman’s role in a man’s world, the nature of women, gender equality, and the relationships between a man and a woman. Both of these poems reveal the struggle that women faced when trying to win the battle of equality with men. They fought so hard to show men that they were equal. During this time period women had rights but not the same rights as men. Women were expected to stay at home and take care of the house. Since they were the ones cleaning at home the type of jobs they could get involved cleaning. Women were not happy with the way they were treated in this time period. Men were the ones who went out and worked in the business world.. These two poems showed the type of hardships that women face. From the type of jobs women were given to the physical things they had to deal with. All women wanted were to be treated as equals of men.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Exemplification Essay: Anorexia Nervosa :: Expository Exemplification Essays

People who intentionally starve themselves suffer from an eating disorder called anorexia nervosa. The disorder, which usually begins in young people around the time of puberty, involves extreme weight loss--at least 15 percent below the individual's normal body weight. Many people with the disorder look emaciated but are convinced they are overweight. Sometimes they must be hospitalized to prevent starvation. Deborah developed anorexia nervosa when she was 16. A rather shy, studious teenager, she tried hard to please everyone. She had an attractive appearance, but was slightly overweight. Like many teenage girls, she was interested in boys but concerned that she wasn't pretty enough to get their attention. When her father jokingly remarked that she would never get a date if she didn't take off some weight, she took him seriously and began to diet relentlessly--never believing she was thin enough even when she became extremely underweight. Soon after the pounds started dropping off, Deborah's menstrual periods stopped. As anorexia tightened its grip, she became obsessed with dieting and food, and developed strange eating rituals. Every day she weighed all the food she would eat on a kitchen scale, curing solids into minuscule pieces and precisely measuring liquids. She would then put her daily ration in small containers, lining them up in neat rows. She also exercised compulsively, even after she weakened and became faint. She never took an elevator if she could walk up steps. No one was able to convince Deborah that she was in danger. Finally, her doctor insisted that she be hospitalized and carefully monitored for treatment of her illness. While in the hospital, she secretly continued her exercise regimen in the bathroom, doing strenuous routines of situps and knee-bends. It took several hospitalizations and a good deal of individual and family outpatient therapy for Deborah to face and solve her problems. Deborah's case in not unusual. People with anorexia typically starve themselves, even though they suffer terribly from hunger pains. One of the most frightening aspects of the disorder is that people with anorexia continue to think they are overweight even when they are bone-thin. For reasons not yet understood, they become terrified of gaining any weight.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Common Problems of Belt Filter Press and the Corresponding Solutions

Contact: Mr Wang Phone: +86-18903999962 EMAIL: [email  protected] cn Common Problems of Belt Filter Press and the corresponding solutions Common Problems of Belt Filter Press and the corresponding solutions 1. slurry passentrate filter cloth in a great quantity Maybe caused by: in-correct filter cloth model sizing Poor result for flocculation Shooting method: sizing filter cloth again and select right size and model by testing choose right flocculation agent and right tossing quantity. 2. ilter cloth bad washing result Maybe caused by: Low washing water pressure or few quantity for washing water washing nozzle was fulled by solids and spray water easily shooting method: increase washing water pressure or flow rate clean washing nozzle. 3. lways a great quantity of slurry leakage at the first at the first squeezing roller Maybe caused by: high squeezing pressure poor flocculant result too big flow rate for slurry feeding fast movement for squeezing belts Shooting method: decrease filter cloth tightening force choose right flocculant agent and most suitable flocculant quantity decrease slurry feeding flow rate decrease filter belt running speed. 4. filter cloth flapped Maybe caused by: less tightening force for filter cloth roller axle line are not horizontal Shooting method: adjust tighting force for filter cloth adjust axle line for rollers. 5. ilter cloth connector breakage Maybe caused by: poor holding force for filter cloth connector Shooting method: repair filter cloth connector. 6. filter cloth running in deviation but can't be controlled easily Maybe caused by failure of anti-deviation system un-balanced degree for adjacent rollers Problem shooting method: reset,to shift the failure alarm adjust horizontal degree for rollers. 7. breakage for squeezing rollers Mainly caused by big filter cloth tightening pressure,or rollers was badly corrosive shooting method: decrease filter cloth tightening pressure repair or replace the rollers.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Heroun and the Sea of Stories

Haroun and the Sea of Stories is a magical realism novel in which elements of Salman Rushdie’s imagination are put together to demonstrate the importance and significance of storytelling. Through the story, Rushdie conveys to the reader what his notion of good story elements are. One of these elements is a story’s ability to possess antithetical relationships. Haroun and the Sea of Stories contains many symbols alluding to the value of complementary elements of a story; these symbols also being a representation of these values in life.One of the initial contrasts we encounter is in Rashid Khalifa’s two titles. Those who are opposed to his story telling have bestowed upon him the name, â€Å"The Shah of Blah. † The others, who enjoy Rashid’s stories, refer to him as â€Å"The Ocean of Notions. † (13) The less flattering of the two titles denotes disdain for Rashid because of the belief that he is a man who is a source of useless tales and endl ess revelry in his storytelling. The latter brings forth connotations of admiration of boundless imagination and creativity.Such dissimilarities are bound to occur with a man of Rashid’s interest. These titles are fairy different, but they complement each other in a certain way that makes Rashid’s character slightly more complex. If he was a character who was met with universal respect or contempt, then he would not be as dynamic, ergo less interesting. Another major aspect of the story that demonstrates this notion is the relationship between the Chupwalas and the Guppies.In the beginning each group had its own way of living, which they believed to be the most respectable. Then on page 191, after Khattam-Shud has been defeated the Guppies and the Chupwalas live together in a peace where â€Å"Night and Day, Speech and Silence, would no longer be separated into zones by Twilight Strips and Walls of Force. † Prior to this, each group was a sovereign entity, keepi ng to their traditions without much success. Then, when the barriers were broken, they were able to appreciate each other’s corresponding differences.The light and dark as well as the silence and the speech accompanied each other and made for a more vibrant society. Through examples like these, Salman Rushdie was able to portray the value of antithetical elements in stories. His examples showed that opposing ideas can fuse sometimes and create a more diverse concept. Rashid’s names showed that he was a very imaginative story teller, but sometimes he was not aware of how people could view his perception of reality and this creates a multifaceted character in which people can show more interest.The relationship between the guppies and the chupwalas was an illustration of the harmonization of two juxtaposing concepts and how different ideologies come together to create a much more fascinating society. All of these models can be carried over to the world of storytelling, w here the story is much more entertaining when there is a slew of events that are totally different in occurrence and tone, but these events make for great amusement.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Value of School Task Achievement

Value of School Task Achievement Client Description and the problem being worked on I am a worker in a given school. While here, I am charged with the responsibility of dealing with a client to ensure that everything around him is in order.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Value of School Task Achievement specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The client I work with is a student named Austin. He belongs to a family and my dealing with him borders on the family too. The family comprises of Ms Pabisz, her son Austin, and Austin’s grandparents. Austin’s grandmother stays with Austin’s parents after she is ill. His grandfather is also ailing, and is at the hospital. Austin is at school. The problem am working on is that affecting Austin. First and foremost, it is Austin’s health challenges. More than one year down the line, he was diagnosed with Lyme and has been a number of medications to treat the same. One form of medi cation is the family therapy of which Austin has declined to attend. He believes that the therapy is not of help to him. The second problem is the health issue of Austin’s grandparents’ state of health and how it affects the student. This has particularly to do with the communication between Austin and his grandfather. The grandfather has been hospitalized for quite some time now, and this really worries Austin. He is not certain of his state of health. He is not able to visit the grandfather, let alone communicate with him. Third, there is the problem of Austin’s academic performance. He’s reported to have missed assignments and other exercises. Goals mutually agreed on between the worker and the client and tasks to be performed to reach these goals After receiving information regarding these issues from Austin’s mom, I decided to communicate the same to Austin and we had to come up with goals on how these problems were to be tackled. The goals we re three-fold: improving communication between Austin and his grandfather, looking for a remedy on Austin’s own health issue and improving his academic progress. The first goal is to enhance communication between Austin and his grandfather. The remedy to this problem would better be understood from the psychological effect that the grandfather’s sicknesses, and his overstaying at the hospital, have on Austin.Advertising Looking for critical writing on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More After I asked Austin about his feeling regarding what his mother’s and grandmother’s sentiments on the grandfather’s state of health and long stay at the hospital, he was not comfortable with what they said. Besides, he did not like thinking about the grandfather passing away. The best way was to look for a better way of improving communication between the two. Since the mother could mak e it to the hospital, sending a letter through her from Austin could be great. We mutually agreed that Austin was to write a letter, expressing his feelings to the grandfather regarding his state of health. Also, to be included in the letter were aspects of the great moments they had shared together previously. The letter was to be delivered by Austin’s mom who could then read it to the grandfather. On the other hand, it was suggested that the letter be left beside the grandfather’s bed. This was to keep the information in it confidential between Austin and his grandfather. Putting together such thoughts of great moments previously shared together could be easily achieved if one had a journal, to record the same from day to day. This approach was suggested to Austin and he promised to start keeping the journal. The second goal was to look for a solution regarding Austin’s own health issue. Apparently, health issues of Austin’s grandparents and what was sa id about his grandfather’s issue affected Austin’s health, with time. He had also been diagnosed with Lyme disease. Consequently, a family therapeutic remedy had been introduced but Austin had stopped attending to the same. Since the grandfather’s health was not improving, Austin’s health was not getting any better. To deal with this issue, Austin agreed to give the family therapy a second chance since his parents were still attending to it. In addition to this, Austin reported that he had been using an anti-depressant for more than one year ago. He also reported that the dosage for the anti-depressant Zoloft had been increased within the past six months. He thought that the anti-depressant could continue being of help too.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Value of School Task Achievement specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, this was not coordinated with his mother. Third, improving Austin’s academic performance will require that he be referred to the student assistance team, as suggested by the school authority. How the tasks are related to the clients’ problem Using a letter to communicate between Austin and his grandfather will bridge the communication gap that has existed between the two, for a while. It will also enable Austin to express his heartfelt feelings and concerns through words, to his grandfather. This might be a good relief to him especially if he gets the grandfather’s feedback, as a reply to the letter. On the other hand, using family therapy will go a long way to help Austin improve from the stress obtained from his ailing grandfather’s issue. Research has shown that family therapy produces a positive outcome in relationships and other family issues (Rasheed, Marley Rasheed, 2010, p. 471). Also, use of the antidepressant may be effective especially if used in doses that are below the normal ones. There c an be a gradual increase of dosing, the way Austin suggests he did (Leonard, 1997, p. 959). However, other studies show that use of antidepressants, over time, may affect the immune system (Bransfield, 2004). Task Achievement Scale TASK RATING (ON 4 POINT RATING SCALE) Family therapy 4 Leaving Austin’s letter at the grandfather’s bedside 4 Ms Pabisz reading Austin’s letter to grandfather 3 Keeping a journal 3 Use of antidepressant 1 Referring Austin to the student assistance team 3 Task Implementation Sequence From the above task achievement rating, the tasks that are likely to be effective in solving the client’s problems include family therapy, Austin writing a letter so that the mother can take it to the hospital and leave it at his bedside, keeping a journal detailing the great moments they have shared together, and referring his academic issue. The mother reading the letter to the grandfather may be a great thing to him but may not be very comfortable with Austin due to confidentiality intended. The use of antidepressant may not be very effective in treating Austin’s Lyme condition.Advertising Looking for critical writing on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Steps Enhance the client’s commitment to carry out tasks To ensure that Austin jots down a letter that will create a positive impact between his interaction and the grandfather, he will be required to prepare a journal. He will be required to show me a journal after every three days of the week for evaluation. He will then be required to write the letter after two weeks which I will go through before submitting it to the mother. Plan the details of carrying out tasks The above tasks require a clear cut plan. I will need to sit down with Austin and agree with him on the schedule required to accomplish the tasks. After looking at his time schedule, it will be paramount to design a plan for all the five tasks and the time when each should be executed. Analyse and resolve obstacles Accomplishing the tasks may be challenging at one point or another. For example, since Austin’s mother will take the letter alone, we may not know how she will decide to present it to the grandf ather. This issue will be addressed by telling her the need to let him read it on his own and that doing otherwise will only stress her son. Another challenge is that of ensuring that Austin attends the family therapy. After seating down with him, I will request him to choose two specific days in a week, during which he will commit himself to the therapy. We will also arrange to be giving me feedback on the same on a weekly basis. Third, there’s the challenge of Austin continuing with the anti-depressant use. This will be tackled by telling him the long term side-effects of its use and insisting on the use of family therapy. I will also communicate with his mother and suggest the use of another form of treatment for his Lyme disease. Rehearse or practise behaviours involved in tasks First, Austin will be required to hand in the letter to me, before it is send to the grandfather. Second, before going for any therapy session, I will encourage Austin on its significance and how it’s likely to improve the situation. Summary of the task plan Making a detailed plan to carry out the tasks Keeping a journal Monitoring attendance of family therapy Writing a letter to the grandfather Giving the letter to Austin’s mother -Referring Austin to the student assistance team Reference list Bransfield, R.C. (2004). Lyme, Depression, Suicide. Web. Leonard, B. (1997). Chronic fatigue syndrome: Information for physicians. NY: DIANE Publishing. Rasheed, J.M., Marley, J.A., Rasheed, M.N., (2010). Family Therapy: Models and techniques. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications Inc.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Find a Book Idea That Sells 3 Things You Must Check Before You Write Your Book

Find a Book Idea That Sells 3 Things You Must Check Before You Write Your Book Find a Book Idea That Sells: 3 Things You Must Check Before You Write Your Book If you’re about to write a book, and you want a book idea that sells,  there are three things you absolutely must check before you spend a minute writing your book.Researching these three things will help you write your book more confidently because you’ll have firm reason to believe readers will love and buy your book.Once you have your book idea, and before you begin writing, you need to check that there’s:People looking for your book ideaPeople willing to pay for your book ideaCompetition you can beatThere are two ways to complete each of the following steps: an easy, low-cost way and a time-consuming, free way. I’ll explain both. No matter which method you choose, just choose one of them so you can embark on your book writing journey with confidence. 1. Are there people looking for your book idea?Before you spend weeks, months, or years laboring to create your book, smart authors validate that there are people searching for your book idea on the inte rnet first.The free method is to type in www.KWFinder.com and use their free tool that currently allows you 3 searches per day, and type in your book idea. One piece of information this site gives you is the average times per month people type and search for your term. The higher the number, the more people actively are looking for the information you’re thinking of writing about.This tool does not tell you how many people are searching for your idea on Amazon, however, which can make your results a little dicey. Sometimes people are just looking to learn free or quick information, and not actually looking to read an entire book.When people search for a topic on Amazon, however, they are there to buy something. That’s why doing this research using a software that specifically gives you Amazon data is the best option. Enter KDP Rocket. When you search for a book idea using KDP Rocket, it gives you the estimated number of times people search for your idea on Google and o n Amazon each month. And there’s no limit to how many ideas you can search per day.Here’s the results for my fictitious book idea about ‘habits’:Once you’ve verified people are searching for your book idea, the next step is to make sure they’re willing to pay for the information.2. Are there people willing to pay for your book idea?Unless you’re planning to give your book away for free, this step is crucial. If you don’t have KDP Rocket, you’ll want to head over to Amazon.com and search in the Kindle Store for your writing idea. Look at the search results that appear on the first page. For each book, scroll down to find the Amazon Best Seller Rank. You’ll probably want to create a spreadsheet now if you haven’t already to keep track of the numbers. Once you have the Best Seller Rank for each, you should put each number into the Amazon Best Seller Rank Calculator. The calculator will tell you how many books a re selling each day. If you multiply this number by 30, you’ll get the estimated money per month that book makes.If you do this for all 14 of the books that show up on the first page of your search, you can find the average your book idea makes per month. This will give you an idea if it’s profitable enough for you to pursue.   If you’re looking for the fast and easy way, you’d already have this information right at your fingertips from doing step 1 (verifying people are looking for your book). By clicking ‘Analyze’ on KDP Rocket, you can immediately learn the average earnings per month. Wow, habits is a money-maker! Look at that second column!So people are looking for your idea and they are willing to pay for your idea, but can you compete with the big dogs? 3. Can you beat the competition for your book idea?Terms like ‘habits’ are popular and profitable, but the competition is intense. You may have noticed the column called à ¢â‚¬Å"Competitive Score.† This gives you a score between 1-100 on how hard it would be to get your book to appear when people search for your term. A 1 is easy-peasy and 100 is near-impossible. I’m guessing like me, you’re not a famous author, so you’ll want to find book ideas that have lower competition. Scores in the 20s or below are my usual target. This doesn’t mean you can’t write a book about habits. This just means you might have to keep searching to refine your idea to be more specific so you can better compete. When you search in the Kindle Store for your idea, you’ll want to take note of the number of results that appear. This tells us there are 8,055 other books that rank for the term â€Å"habits† on Amazon.Next, click on the top 3 results and write down their Amazon Best Seller Rank. Find the average of these 3 numbers to find the average Best Seller Rank of the top 3 books. You should aim to get your book to rank # 1 since it gets the most clicks, and definitely be able to compete with the top 3.Then, look at the book covers, book descriptions, and reviews. Give each book a score 1-100 based on your opinion of its professionalism, design, clarity, and happiness of reviewers. If it looks like a book you could easily beat, it’s a 1. If it’s perfect and virtually unbeatable, give it 100. Having all these numbers in an excel spreadsheet will help you analyze the competition of your book idea.If that seems like a lot of work, or you don’t know how to score the competition, you’ll love what KDP Rocket can do for you. When you click on the ‘Analyze’ button to discover how much money the book idea makes, a Competitive Score was also automatically generated. For ‘habits,’ the competition is 73pretty tough. Rocket will also give you a bunch of other recommended terms to consider, so by simply scrolling down, I found ‘healthy eating habits.†™ Lower competitionbut people aren’t paying for that idea. How about ‘how to break bad habits’: See how you can still write about what you’re interested in, but simply checking the popularity, profitability, and competition can help you refine your idea from an â€Å"I hope this works idea† to â€Å"Let’s write this book already idea!†Book Idea ValidatedOnce your book idea passes these three checkpoints, then you’re on your way to confidently writing your book. Now you have reason to believe it won’t be a waste of your time and you can proceed with more assurance that you’re writing a book that will sell.To learn more about how this product  can help you profitably launch your book to success, check out KDP Rocket here!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Soap Opera by David Ives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Soap Opera by David Ives - Essay Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that production of soap opera ensures a major hit. If one is creative enough, slight tweaking in the presentation can even produce a sequel, giving the production company a lucrative material to invest on. It also requires a small budget, which will lessen the risk of low returns on investment. The cast is minimal, the setting inexpensive, and the costume is almost down to none. What needs to be played up here is the novelty of having a washing machine as one of the major characters. The plot will even allow a general patronage showing. The short screening time will also allow several runs within a day, maximizing the potential of bigger profit. Any actor and actress can play the parts. It does not require a big name of a star on the credits. What will be sold is the concept of presentation, not the actors and actresses, and definitely not the over-rated budget for modern effects. This play can be called a mixture of paro dy and romantic comedy. Parody employs sarcasm, stereotyping, and even mockery. There are several scenes in this play that utilizes parody. For example, when the Repairman tells the Maitre d’ of the start of his relationship with the washing machine, he mentioned â€Å"I tried to watch cartoons on it till I was five --- unsuccessfully, of course. But by then, I was hooked†. Similarly, when Repairman’s mother â€Å"great gleaming mother Flora† who is â€Å"a perfect 50s housewife carrying a basket of dirty laundry† enters the scene. Why is it that a perfect 50s housewife, all gleaming and with â€Å"fluoroscopic eyes† and who sees every filth and dirt in her son’s clothes, unable to inform his son that the washing machine is not a television? And definitely, the absurd idea of what is a perfect housewife in this play is humorous, making the mocking undertone realistic and hitting its mark. These are just a few samples, but the play is packed with these puns from start to finish.